Our mission is to dedicate all of our efforts and energy to helping our agencies increase officer and public safety.
Needs Assessment
Project Management
Are you responsible for buying and implementing new software for your agency?
Let us help you make informed decisions in today's turbulent market. NPSG is a concierge consulting firm that solely provides consulting for public safety software systems such as CAD, RMS, JMS, and mobile solutions, minimizing disruption and maximizing efficiency.
We Customize Our Services to Your Needs
We have a deep and unique understanding of the industry and can help you make decisions in technology selections that will benefit and protect your agency and guide you through complex projects and implementations.
Public Safety Software Consulting
Our team specializes in consulting for the selection and procurement of public safety software such as CAD, reporting, and more. We excel in working with large consortiums to help with regionalization, change management, and staff organization.
Contract Negotiations
Our contract negotiations are the best you'll find. With a great deal of knowledge, from hidden costs to unnecessary add-ins, we work hard to ensure you get the best deal. We're so confident in our abilities that if we do not save you money, you pay nothing.
Consulting as a service
Our team of proven Public Safety professionals are available to answer questions and help with consulting needs on your time. Having a consultant on retainer carries a number of advantages that agencies are discovering to be helpful and convenient.
The Facts
Years of Experience +
Our team has been selling public safety software and consulting with agencies nationwide, not to mention decades served in law enforcement.
Software Consulting
Much of our focus is software consulting because we understand how to negotiate in this industry and public consulting software is our expertise.
We are so confident in our ability to satisfy you with our services, that we provide a cancel without cause clause in our contract.
Thank You to All in Public Safety
We want to thank you for what you do. Public Safety is the front line to safety in our wonderful United States of America. Every day you put your life on the line and come between our citizens and the bad guys to protect all of our families. Thank you and know that we at National Public Safety support you 100% and will do all we can to make your life better and safer.